≥≥≥ May 26th 15:00 - 22:00
One day group exhibition “Cryptopian States” at the private residency of the ambassador of Iceland in Berlin at Trabenerstrasse 68, 14 193 Berlin. Part of Cycle Music and Art Festival curated by Gudny Gudmundsdottir, Jonatan Habib-Engqvist and Sara Oldudottir.
The artist connects the Icelandic fishing industry to the biblical saga of the golden calf. Ships have been essential to the race and scramble for resources that underpins the whole colonial saga. Access to wealth further forms the foundations for self-sufficiency and alleviation of poverty. After a glorious age of nautical exploration during the time of the Icelandic settlers, the period under Danish rule rendered the nation nautically inept. Impoverished Icelanders watched from their rowing boats how European ships extracted massive amounts of Cod and other fish on the basis of fishing rights that were sold off by Danish authorities. The regaining of a shipping fleet in the 20th century, independent trade and fishing at an industrial level, laid the unquestionable foundation for the country’s independence. - Sara Öldudóttir, curator