
2020, sequence of 19 pairs of color photographs.

First published on the instagram account of Reykjavik Sculpture Association https://www.instagram.com/myndhoggvarafelagid_rvk/ as part of their 2020 edition of the exhibition The Wheel - art in public space in Reykjavik. Curated by Birta Gudjónsdottir.


On a rainy/sunny/calm/windy April day in Grafarvogur suburban neighborhood of Reykjavik the artist embarked on a day long exploration process - a procedure of walking the widest circle she found along the neighbourhood's walking paths where she would end in the same point as I began. She created a strict system where she had to stop every 10 minutes and take a photo with the position of her eye as the perspective, first to the right and then to the left. She could not choose a frame by moving her body. The lens was fixed at 50 mm. Thus she mapped out her physical experience of the neighborhood. During the course of the opening time of the exhibition from May to September 2020 she posted one pair of picture every few days on the Reykjavik sculpture Association instagram page.

The first public appearance of the work raised questions about instagram as a site for public experiences or art. Her motivation expended further but by doing this she wanted to share my research techniques with the public and expand the limits of that research technique by setting herself a strict rule to see what would appear independent of her observation or will. When looking closely at the pictures one can see the physical difficulties she endured on a day long hike on the hard asphalt in a constantly changing weather conditions. Wet, tired and in pain she discovered the limits of her body and the work became metaphoric for the artist endurance, the determination to finish the work.