Sculpture (2013). Six 3mm thick sheets, shape irregular ca 50 x 60 cm.Plexiglas, hemp rope, cotton threads. 1/3 Ed. plus 1 AP.The Buoy sculpture in the studio. When installed with appropriate light it creates drawing on the wall.
The Buoy was first exhibited at a solo exhibition at De-Construkt in New York in 2013. A year later it was shown as a part of a mixed media installation and solo exhibition at Thoka Gallery in Reykjavik as part of Reykjavik Art Festival. In 2018 it was shown to the public as part of open studios at Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin. In 2022 is was part of a group exhibition ´Great Patch´ at UFO gallery in Kraków, Poland.
Documentation of the Buoy sculpture as installation.
C-print. 54 x 36 cm.
C-print. 36 x 54 cm
Buoy still life on a beach.
Buoys still life in a sales brochure